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Connor & Dude

Welcome Connor & Dude, the teen Golden Retriever. We met at the top of a hay field on an absolutely perfect late November afternoon. Dude enjoyed some of the country smells, Connor & I took in the gorgeous views, and then we got to work.

When Connor emailed me to volunteer for this project, he described Dude as his firstborn (he did mention his truck was a close second). Meeting them in person, the love between the two was impossible to miss. Connor made sure Dude's bandanna was straight and debris-free, flipped over any inside-out ears, gave helpful boosts into the back of the truck (the photographer was very demanding), and doled out all the treats for a job well done. In return, Dude gave us his best smile, sat pretty in the warm afternoon sun, allowed his face to be smushed, and gazed adoringly at his human. He kept Connor (& I!) laughing for most of the shoot, with his Golden charm and contortionist ways, pausing intermittently to see if anyone may want to rub his belly. 

Dude, it was so nice to meet you. Connor, thanks for letting me hang out and capture some of the love between the two of you, and being totally willing to drive your truck wherever I pointed. 


​© 2023 Journey East Photography

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